


Insights, stories, and updates from Sanket.
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Support for Bitbucket Data Center

Bitbucket Server has come to end-of-life. We’re here to help with your transition to Data Center or Cloud.

Announcing DeepSource’s Vanta integration

Simplifying source code security compliance for AppSec teams.

Azure DevOps Services + DeepSource

Our powerful code health stack comes to the Microsoft ecosystem!

DeepSource's Guide to SAST

How to implement SAST without disrupting your software development workflow.

(Re)Introducing DeepSource

The Code Health Platform. Everything you need to build maintainable and secure software.

Rust stdlib vulnerability in fs::remove_dir_all

Rust 1.0.0 through Rust 1.58.0 is affected.

DeepSource: 2021 In Review

Looking back at how we helped developers ship good code in 2021.

DeepSource Next '21

We're hosting our first virtual conference, and you'll love it!

Python code formatters

Let these tools automate style formatting for your Python code.

Discover: Drive meaningful contributions this Hacktoberfest

TL;DR Get contributors to fix code quality issues in your open-source project. Escape the spam.

Good Code Podcast: Episode 4

On communication in open-source collaboration, with Cheuk Ting Ho.

Django Async: What's new and what's next?

All that you need to know about async support added in the latest Django 3.1.

Get started with DeepSource

DeepSource is free forever for small teams and open-source projects. Start analyzing your code in less than 2 minutes.


Read product updates, company announcements, how we build DeepSource, what we think about good code, and more.

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