


Posts from team Deepsource related to Releases

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DeepSource Discuss

Introducing, DeepSource's community forum.

Introducing Bitbucket support for DeepSource

DeepSource now supports Bitbucket repositories for code analysis.

Introducing, DeepSource for C#

Fast and reliable static analysis for the C# and .NET ecosystem, now in beta.

Release: Test coverage, meta config for analyzers

Quick update that highlights recent product releases and improvements we’ve made.

Release: Actions on issues, ignore rules

New actions on your repository dashboard that help you tweak how issues are reported.

Release: Granular analysis on diffs

On changeset analysis, we now raise issues only on the changed lines, not files.

Release: Permanently silence issues in code

Introducing "skipcq", a unified way to silence issues in source code permanently.

Release: Ignore issues in all test files

No configuration needed. One click, and done!

Release: Re-thinking test coverage

Test coverage tracking support is now available for Python, Go and Ruby.

Release: Go analyzer lands in beta

DeepSource now supports Go, with 120+ types of issues.

Release: GitLab support, new actions on issues

Analyze your code from GitLab, starting now. And more!

Release: Static type checker in Python

The Python analyzer now supports type checking with mypy.

Get started with DeepSource

DeepSource is free forever for small teams and open-source projects. Start analyzing your code in less than 2 minutes.


Read product updates, company announcements, how we build DeepSource, what we think about good code, and more.

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