


Posts from team Deepsource related to Python

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What's new in Python 3.9?

New `str` methods, better typing support, new modules, and more.

What's new in Python 3.10?

Structural pattern matching, parenthesized context managers, improved error messages, and more.

Learn Python ASTs by building your own linter

The only resource you need to read to learn about ASTs in Python, and the superpowers they give you.

Python code review checklist

How to cover all aspects of the code in a review.

Python code formatters

Let these tools automate style formatting for your Python code.

Demystifying Python’s Descriptor Protocol

A walkthrough of descriptor protocol to understand inner working of property, classmethod, staticmethod builtins

Comparison of new Python web frameworks

Pick a fresh one for your next side project.

Easy performance optimizations in Python

Low-hanging fruits that give your Python code little speed-ups.

Positional-only arguments in Python

An introduction to the new `/` syntax in Python 3.8.

Walrus operator in Python 3.8: a primer

The definitive tutorial for the all-new assignment expressions syntax in Python 3.8 with examples.

What's new in Python 3.8?

Significant additions in Python 3.8 such as walrus operator, positional only arguments, new syntax warnings.

Common beginner mistakes in Python

A short list of patterns that beginners miss while writing Python.

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