


Posts from team Deepsource related to Insights

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Parallel processing in Node.js using worker threads

Leveraging worker threads to improve the performance of CPU intensive apps.

What's new in Python 3.9?

New `str` methods, better typing support, new modules, and more.

What's new in Python 3.10?

Structural pattern matching, parenthesized context managers, improved error messages, and more.

5 Common mistakes in Go

A short list of patterns that beginners miss while writing Go.

Breaking builds, baseball bats, and the code quality DNA

A conversation with Badri Rajasekar on how companies of different sizes ship good code.

Common anti-patterns in Go

A list of anti-patterns you should avoid while writing code in Golang.

Python code review checklist

How to cover all aspects of the code in a review.

Guidelines for Java code reviews

Get a jump-start on your next code review session with this list.

JavaScript best practices to improve code quality

Learn how some of the new features in JavaScript can help you write cleaner code.

Good Code Podcast: Episode 4

On communication in open-source collaboration, with Cheuk Ting Ho.

Python code formatters

Let these tools automate style formatting for your Python code.

Managing multiple Git profiles

What if Git already knew whether to use your work email or personal? Say no more. Here's how.

Get started with DeepSource

DeepSource is free forever for small teams and open-source projects. Start analyzing your code in less than 2 minutes.


Read product updates, company announcements, how we build DeepSource, what we think about good code, and more.

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