


Posts from team Deepsource related to Product

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Actionable issue reporting with DeepSource

Encouraging developers to take action on issues, and not just see them.

Make your Dockerfile better with DeepSource

Use the Docker analyzer.

Tips for writing glob patterns in DeepSource configuration

Glob patterns for writing test-file and exclude-file patterns

Automate code formatting with Transformers

Make sure your code adheres to style guides — on autopilot.

Code formatting on autopilot

With Transformers, you don't need to manually fix style violations anymore.

DeepSource JavaScript analyzer lands in beta

DeepSource now supports JavaScript, React and TypeScript, with 470+ types of issues.

Setup static code analysis for Python

Walkthrough of setting up static analysis for a Python repository on GitHub.

Discover: Drive meaningful contributions this Hacktoberfest

TL;DR Get contributors to fix code quality issues in your open-source project. Escape the spam.

Release: DeepSource Ruby analyzer is now in GA

DeepSource Ruby analyzer lands in GA, with over 260 issues, Autofix & Transformers.

Introducing, DeepSource for Java

Find and fix 170+ issues in your Java code. Currently in beta.

Introducing, DeepSource for Scala

Find and fix issues in your Scala code. Currently in beta.

Introducing, DeepSource for Rust

Analyze and Autofix issues in your Rust code. Currently in beta.

Get started with DeepSource

DeepSource is free forever for small teams and open-source projects. Start analyzing your code in less than 2 minutes.


Read product updates, company announcements, how we build DeepSource, what we think about good code, and more.

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