


Posts from team Deepsource related to Engineering

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Common Python security pitfalls, and how to avoid them

A guide to writing stable and secure Python applications.

Automate code formatting in Python

Letting bots do the mundane parts of code review leaves time for devs to see the bigger picture.

Leveraging static code analysis in a Ruby CI pipeline

Setting up a GitHub workflow CI pipeline powered by Rubocop.

How dynamic languages efficiently handle data types

How do the fastest interpreters out there optimally represent variant values?

Lightweight linting with tree-sitter

Using tree-sitter queries to write simple, custom lints

Method invocation and control flow in JVM

A brief overview of how method invocation and control flow work in the JVM

Monadic parser combinators in Haskell

Writing modular parsers using monads.

Engineering Manager’s Guide to Static Analysis

How you can improve the code health and security of your team's codebase with automation.

The generics implementation of Go 1.18

How Go generics work under the hood

Percent notation in Ruby

How Ruby's percent notation help you write more succinct code.

Custom marshalers in Go: An unexpected gotcha

Catching subtle bugs in struct embedding

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